Why Dementia Day Care Rather Than an Assisted Living Facility?

 Has your parent, spouse or other loved one been diagnosed with dementia? Dementia is the term used to describe a group of symptoms that result in significant changes in a person's memory and cognitive abilities. In many cases, these symptoms first appear after age 60 and can significantly change the quality of life for those who suffer from them. Assisted living facilities and Best dementia day care Service in Auckland are both ways of caring for an elderly loved one.

But, assisted living facilities are often restrictive when it comes to allowing residents access to outside activities, including visiting family members or going on vacation. Dementia day care allows patients to interact with other people and maintain some independence while receiving care around the clock from staff members who understand their condition. Know in detail about the difference between Dementia day care and assisted living facility.

Assisted living facilities can be restrictive

A big difference between dementia day care and assisted living facilities is flexibility. Assisted living facilities can be restrictive, especially for people with dementia who need more personal attention and care. Whereas, dementia day care Auckland offer a more personalised approach to help individuals thrive in their later years, which may be why they are so popular among those suffering from this debilitating disease.

Additionally, many people prefer the smaller size of these centres because they feel more comfortable when surrounded by familiar faces rather than new ones every day--and this feeling makes them happier overall!

Dementia day care gives a sense of independence

Dementia day care gives patients the opportunity to interact with other people and a sense of independence. While this is not always possible in an assisted living facility, as they tend to be more restrictive, dementia day care centres allow patients to go out into the community and enjoy themselves while still being under supervision. 

This can help reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness that many patients experience when they are confined indoors all day long at home.

Dementia day care is less expensive than assisted living facilities

Dementia day care is less expensive than assisted living facilities. The average cost of a room in an assisted living facility is $3,750 per month, while the average cost of a day program for people with dementia is just under $2,000 per month. That's a difference of over $1,000 each month!

So why do you pay so much more if you choose to live in an assisted living facility instead? Choose the Day care facility and save yourself from the high budget of assisted  living facilities. 


If you're looking for a way to care for an elderly loved one with dementia, consider a dementia day care Auckland facility. The centres will offer patients a sense of independence while providing them with the level of care they need. There's no waiting list and the costs are lower than assisted living facilities. With so many benefits, it's hard not to be tempted by this option!

Source By : Why Dementia Day Care Rather Than an Assisted Living Facility?


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