How Seniorcare Homes Can Aid In Dementia Care For Seniors?

 Dementia is a condition that affects the ability of a person to think, reason and communicate. It is mostly caused by aging or Alzheimer's disease.

 The symptoms can range from mild to severe and they can also change over time. It is important to know more about dementia care South Auckland so as to help your loved one cope with it better.

Focus On Nutrition

If your loved one has trouble eating, it’s important to remember that they are not doing this on purpose. Their brain is not working properly and they may have forgotten how to eat or drink. This can be confusing for them, since they are used to being able to eat normally.

If they don’t know how else to help your loved one with their dementia care needs, try reminding them of what worked in the past.

If you want your loved one with dementia care needs to eat or drink something new or different than usual (like soup), make it easier for them by giving them smaller bites or spoon-feeding them if necessary.

Setting Up A Routine

Setting up a routine for your loved one is one of the best ways to help them stay organized. A daily schedule will make it easier for your senior loved one to organize their day and remain on track. Additionally, having a routine will allow you as a caregiver or family member to plan ahead so you know what's happening next in terms of appointments, entertainment, or day trips.

A good daily schedule should include:

  • Breakfast time (this could be any meal)
  • Medication time (if needed)
  • Lunch/Dinner time (depending on when they eat)

Hygiene & Grooming

Hygiene and grooming are important in any home, but particularly so for seniors with dementia. Dementia patients tend to forget how to dress themselves, so caregivers often help them put on clothes and shoes. In the summertime, it's important that your senior is dressed appropriately for the weather and has sunscreen on their skin when they're outside.

Dressing can be challenging for those with dementia because of their diminished cognitive function and motor skills (if they've lost weight due to illness or other conditions).

It's important that they have easy access to clothing—so make sure closets are organised by type of clothing (shirts in one place, pants in another), color scheme or seasonality if your loved one is especially forgetful.

It’s also a good idea if you have younger adults living at home who can assist with dressing; this will keep your loved one from feeling embarrassed about needing help getting dressed each morning.

One way you can ease these feelings is by making sure everyone knows what’s expected of them before starting any task out loud or on paper as soon as possible after moving into a new space together - like when filling out paperwork during move-in day!

Using The Right Equipment

To ensure that you are using the right equipment, we first need to define what we mean by “right”. The best way of doing this is by giving an example:

  • A wheelchair is an example of the wrong equipment because it will not aid a person with dementia care south Auckland in their daily activities and may even be dangerous for them if they cannot safely get out of it without assistance.
  • A walker or cane is an example of the right equipment because it can help someone navigate around obstacles on their own, increase their mobility and allow them to participate in activities outside of the home again.


Your dementia patient is not a burden to be taken care of; they are human beings who need your love and attention. It is important that you keep in mind all the things that have been discussed in this blog post so that you can make the best decisions for your senior loved one.

 The focus should be on keeping them happy and healthy so that they can live their life to its fullest potential until the day comes when it ends naturally.



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