
Showing posts from December, 2022

Dementia Care Rest Homes : How Are They Helpful?

  Dementia is a degenerative brain condition that affects memory, and causes behavioral changes. It affects people of all ages, but it's most common in older adults. For those with dementia, it can be difficult to remember daily activities and routines or be able to communicate effectively; they may also experience a decline in their ability to perform everyday tasks such as eating and bathing. Dementia can often be difficult for family members to handle on their own as many require frequent care, supervision and assistance with day-to-day activities like bathing, dressing and eating meals. If you have an elderly parent who has been diagnosed with this condition recently, then there are several steps you should take before considering other options like moving them into a home for the aged or assisted living facility because these  dementia care rest homes in Auckland  facilities offer better care services than most nursing homes (which aren't always equipped to provide h...

How Seniorcare Homes Can Aid In Dementia Care For Seniors?

  Dementia is a condition that affects the ability of a person to think, reason and communicate. It is mostly caused by aging or Alzheimer's disease.  The symptoms can range from mild to severe and they can also change over time. It is important to know more about  dementia care South Auckland  so as to help your loved one cope with it better. Focus On Nutrition If your loved one has trouble eating, it’s important to remember that they are not doing this on purpose. Their brain is not working properly and they may have forgotten how to eat or drink. This can be confusing for them, since they are used to being able to eat normally. If they don’t know how else to help your loved one with their dementia care needs, try reminding them of what worked in the past. If you want your loved one with dementia care needs to eat or drink something new or different than usual (like soup), make it easier for them by giving them smaller bites or spoon-feeding them if necessary. Sett...